Business Area
IoT Home Network System
Partner in embedded solutions for advanced Home IoT systems
We provide home security and life-customized services in connection with portal video cameras, lobby phones,
security equipment for security offices, and a variety of other IoT sensors in center of wallpads.
· When you enter the entrance of your apartment,the motion detection (PIR) sensor detects your motion and creates a home environment with the preset welcome mode.
· When you enter the living room,the curtains automatically open and the lights turn on. The smart mirror shows the information on the home environment,
including temperature, humidity and air quality.
· The artificial intelligence (AI) platform analyzes your behavioral patterns and controls the devices and home appliances that have been set up on their own.
· You can control lights, gas, heating, and home appliances and also call an elevator at any place in your house with your voice.
B 502 Pangyo InnoValley, 253 Pangyo-ro, Bundang gu, Seongnam, 13486, Korea
Tel +82 31-8068-8768 I E-mail
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